Multiplying the impact of women in tech with actions that provide ways for technology companies and community members to engage.

Engaging, developing and amplifying the processes and tools companies are using to build inclusive cultures that attract and retain women in technology.

STEM program to activate high school girls into STEM careers through an integrated industry, community and education.



The pathway between Director and advancement into the c-suite is riddled with invisible barriers which must be Tackled so that companies can shatter glass ceilings when it comes to the career progression of women in tech. This report highlights areas where progress has been made, and also where the path is currently blocked. (Download PDF

In the last several years, business environments and work conditions have faced constant change. These changes are creating critical challenges for women in tech, and unless they are corrected, threaten to erase decades of progress for women at work in one of the areas most crucial to helping women succeed: flexibility. (Download PDF)

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world for women. As individuals and a whole, they’ve been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic in ways that have reshaped their jobs, family and futures. (Download PDF)

While most recessions “start by gutting the manufacturing and construction industries, where men hold most of the jobs,” the greatest, and most disastrous impact of this crisis has been on women. This is even more devastating since in the recent past, women had finally gained some major professional momentum. (Download PDF)

High School STEM Activation

Coverage of SheTech Explorer Day – This event will bring together nearly 2,000 high school girls and hundreds of industry mentors to inspire, engage and activate girls into STEM. Will you be there?

About Women Tech Council

The Women Tech Council (WTC) is a national organization focused on the economic impact of women in driving high growth for the technology sector through developing programs that propel the economic pipeline from high school to the C-suite. WTC offers mentoring, visibility, opportunities and networking to more than 10,000 women and men working in technology.

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